Motivational Speeches

நீங்கள் வெற்றிகரமான சேல்ஸ்மேன் ஆக வேண்டுமா ? | ZIG ZIGLAR

நீங்கள் வெற்றிகரமான சேல்ஸ்மேன் ஆக வேண்டுமா ? இதோ ZIG ZIGLAR சொல்லும் உத்திகளை தமிழில் எடுத்துரைக்கிறார், இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம் ! ☝

Self Motivation – part 2 | Tamil Entrepreneurial Speaker | Ramkumar Singaram

Excerpts from my interview on the importance of self motivation in Pesum Puthagam youtube channel – Part II

Self Motivation | Tamil Entrepreneurial Speaker | Ramkumar Singaram

Excerpts from my interview on the importance of self motivation in Pesum Puthagam youtube channel – Part I

Book Summary | Neengal Innum Yen kodeeswarar Aagavillai | Tamil Entrepreneurial speaker

Snippets on my new book “Neengal Innu Yen kodeeswarar Aagavillai” in Pesum Puthagam youtube channel

Interview with Dr. T S Srinath, Sr. Cardiology Consultant | World Heart Day | Sims Hospital

Celebrating World Heart Day, September 21, 2021, Mr.Ramkumar Singaram interviews Dr. T S Srinath, Sr. Cardiology Consultant, SIMS Hospital..

வாழ்க்கையை மாற்றும் CAPS மந்திரம்! – Online business ideas

Motivational Speaker Ramkumar SIngaram talks about online business ideas for Tamil Magazine Kumudam’s Channel.

What you need to be successful? | Motivational Speaker in Tamil

What you need to be successful? | Motivational Speaker in Tamil – நீங்கள் வெற்றி பெற என்ன தேவை? இதோ… அண்மையில் இராம்குமார்

Want to know which Country conducts election online? | Ramkumar singaram | Best Media trainer

கடந்த 14 ஆண்டுகளாக தேர்தலை ஆன்லைனில் நடத்தும் ஒரே நாடு, எது என்று தெரிந்து கொள்ள விருப்பமா? இதோ… அண்மையில் இராம்குமார்

Learn how to solve your problems | Shiv Kera | Norman Vincent Peale

Learn how to solve your problems | Shiv Kera | Norman Vincent Peale – உங்கள் பிரச்சனைகளைத் தீர்க்க வேண்டுமா? நார்மன் வின்சென்ட் பிலே மற்றும் ஷிவ் கெரா சொன்ன ஆலோசனைகள் இதோ உங்களுக்காக

Who is Aristotle? Why is he remembered even after 2300 years?

அரிஸ்டாட்டில் யார்? அவர் ஏன் 2300 ஆண்டுகள் கழித்தும் நினைவு கூறப்படுகிறார் ? இது குறித்து அறிந்து கொள்ள இராம்குமார்

How to make online classes interesting!

நீங்கள் ஆன்லைனில் சிறப்பாக பாடம் நடத்தி மாணவர்களை ஈர்ப்பது எப்படி? இதுகுறித்து அண்மையில் கலைஞர் தொலைக்காட்சியில் இராம்குமார்

City Based Catalyst PR Bags PRSI National Awards 2020 | Hybiz

The Chennai-based Catalyst Public Relations Pvt. Ltd., one of South India’s leading public relation agencies, has won a National award, from Public Relations Society of India (PRSI), the national body of the Public Relations and Communication professionals. The award was presented to Mr. Ramkumar Singaram, CEO of Catalyst PR by Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, Honourable Education Minister, Govt. of India, in the presence of Smt. Baby Rani Maurya, Honourable Governor of Uttarakhand and Dr. Ajit […]

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff | Richard Carlson | Motivational speaker in Tamil

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff | Richard Carlson | Motivational speaker in Tamil – “நீ பெரிய போர்க்களங்களுக்காகப் பிறந்தவன்….. சிறிய சண்டைகளில் உன்னைத் தொலைத்து விடாதே”

Time Management | Best Motivational Speaker in Tamil

உங்கள் நேரத்தைத் திட்டமிட்டுப் பயன்படுத்த ஆசையா? இதோ…. நேர மேலாண்மைக்கான 10 உத்திகளை

Steve Job’s Secret of Success | Motivational Speaker in Tamil

ஆப்பிள் நிறுவன அதிபர் ஸ்டீவ் ஜாப்ஸ் வெற்றி பெற்ற காரணத்தை அறிந்து கொள்ள விருப்பமா? இதோ… இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம்,

பிறருக்கு உதவுவது சரியா? அது நமது வளர்ச்சிக்கு உதவுமா? | Best Motivational Speaker inTamil

பிறருக்கு உதவுவது சரியா? அது நமது வளர்ச்சிக்கு உதவுமா? இந்தக் கேள்விகளுக்கு விடையளிக்கிறார்,

Want to be successful?! | Best Motivational Speaker in Tamil

நீங்கள் வெற்றி பெற வேண்டுமா ? உங்கள் போர்க்களம் எது ? போட்டியாளர் யார்? ஆயுதங்கள் எவை? இவற்றை தீர்மானித்தால் உங்கள் வெற்றி நிச்சயம்

வெற்றியின் உச்சத்தைத் தொட வேண்டுமா? | Zig Ziglar | “SEE YOU AT THE TOP” | Tamil Motivational Speaker

வெற்றியின் உச்சத்தைத் தொட வேண்டுமா? இதோ… ZIG ZIGLAR எழுதிய “SEE YOU AT THE TOP” என்ற புத்தகத்தின் சாராம்சம் பற்றி இராம்குமார்

Desire to do business | தொழில் செய்ய விரும்பு – Writer Ramkumar Singaram | Adithya TV

தமது எழுத்துலகப் பயணம் பற்றி அண்மையில் ஆதித்யா டி.வி. நேர்காணலில் இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம் பேசிய பேச்சின் தொகுப்பு இதோ….

Facts about Aristotle | Motivational Speaker in Tamil

அறிஞர் அரிஸ்டாட்டில் பற்றிய சுவாரசியமான தகவல்களை அறிந்து பயன் பெறுங்கள்!

Fearless consistency is the Key | Best Motivational Speaker in Tamil

நீங்கள் வெற்றி பெற வேண்டுமா? பிரச்சினைகளைக் கண்டு பயப்படாமல் ஒரே வேலையை தொடர்ந்து செய்யப் பழகுங்கள். கலைஞர்

The Two Great Indian Kings | Tamil Motivational Speaker

The Two Great Indian Kings | Tamil Motivational Speaker – இந்திய வரலாற்றிலேயே இதுவரை THE GREAT (பேரரசர்கள்) என்ற அடைமொழியோடு அழைக்கப்பட்டோர்

How to earn more with less money | Best Tamil Motivational Speaker

“இருப்பதை வைத்துக்கொண்டு லட்ச லட்சமாக சம்பாதிப்பது எப்படி?” என்பது குறித்து இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம்

How to get anything you want | Brian Tracy | Motivational speaker in tamil

How to get anything you want | Brian Tracy | Motivational speaker in tamil – நீங்கள் விரும்புவது எதுவானாலும் அதை அடைவது எப்படி?

Are We Saving or Spending Our Money? | Best Motivational Speaker in Tamil

Are We Saving or Spending Our Money? | Best Motivational Speaker in Tamil – இந்தியர்கள் பணத்தை சேமிக்கிறார்களா? செலவழிக்கிறார்களா?

Learn to say NO | Top 10 Success Tips | Motivational Speaker in tamil

Learn to say NO | Top 10 Success Tips | Motivational Speaker in tamil – Motivational Speaker Ramkumar Singaram talks in Tamil about the practices

Want to live with problems or without? | Best motivational speaker in tamil

Want to live with problems or without? | Best motivational speaker in tamil – பிரச்சனைகள் இன்றி வாழ விருப்பமா?

Gratitude | நன்றி சொல்ல மறப்பதில்லை/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode 9

Gratitude | நன்றி சொல்ல மறப்பதில்லை/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode 9 – Motivational Speaker Ramkumar Singaram talks in Tamil

Want to build willpower? | Motivational speaker in tamil

Want to build willpower? – மன உறுதி படைத்தவராக ஆக வேண்டுமா? அப்படியானால் ,நீங்கள் செய்யக்கூடாத 13

Ziglar’s 12 tips for Sellers | Best motivational speaker in Tamil

https://youtu.be/H0Eojo1O5mwZiglar’s 12 tips for sellers – “விற்பனையாளர்களுக்கு உதவும் ஜிக் ஜிகளரின் (ZIG ZIGLAR) 12 உத்திகள்” குறித்து அண்மையில் கலைஞர் தொலைக்காட்சியில் இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம் பேசிய பேச்சின் தொகுப்பு இதோ…

No Thinking Small | Top 10 Success Tips | Best Motivational Speaker in tamil

No Thinking Small | Top 10 Success Tips | Best Motivational Speaker in tamil – சிறிதாக சிந்திப்பது கிடையாது

Is Life Boring? | Ramkumar singaram | Best Motivational speaker in tamil

Is Life Boring? | Ramkumar singaram | Best Motivational speaker in tamil – வாழ்க்கை போர் அடிக்கிறதா?

Top 10 success tips | Self control | Motivational speaker in tamil

Top 10 success tips | Self control | Motivational speaker in tamil – கடிகாரத்தை வேகமாக வைப்பதில்லை

7-step process to be a good manager | Motivational speaker in tamil

7-step process to be a good manager | Motivational speaker in tamil – நீங்கள் நல்ல நிர்வாகியாக வேண்டுமா?

Don’t get stuck in a place | Top 10 success tips | Tamil Motivational Speaker

Don’t get stuck in a place | Top success tips | Tamil Motivational Speaker – talks in Tamil about the practices followed by Successful People. In this series he insists on “Keep Moving”

How do successful people handle issues | Best motivational speaker in tamil

How do successful people handle issues | Best motivational speaker in tamil – வெற்றியாளர்கள் பிரச்சனைகளை எப்படி கையாளுகிறார்கள்? தெரிந்துகொள்ள ஆர்வமா?

Ideas to create new inventions | Best motivational speaker in tamil

Ideas to create new inventions | Best motivational speaker in tamil – புதிய பொருட்களைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க உதவும் ஆறு உத்திகள் குறித்து விளக்குகிறார் இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம்

That One Strategy of Successful People to Be Successful | Motivational speaker in tamil

That One Strategy of Successful People to Be Successful | Motivational speaker in tamil – வெற்றியாளர்கள் பின்பற்றுகிற ‘எல்லா’ உத்திகளையும்

Anger Management – நடுரோட்டில் சண்டை போடுவதில்லை/Top 10 Success Tips/Motivational Speaker in tamil

Anger Management – நடுரோட்டில் சண்டை போடுவதில்லை/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode 5 Motivational Speaker Ramkumar Singaram talks in Tamil about the practices followed by Successful People. In this series he insists on Anger Management, in Episode 5 of “Top10 Success Tips”. Subscribe to our channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-JyHnGXZT3inL_HVwb3gA Visit our website – https://ramkumarsingaram.com Like us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ramkumar.singaram Follow us on Twitter –  https://twitter.com/rkcatalyst Connect with us on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramkumar-singaram-507a4b35/

How to stop Procrastinating | Brian Tracy | Ramkumar singaram | Motivational speaker in Tamil

How to stop Procrastinating | Brian Tracy | Ramkumar singaram | Motivational speaker in Tamil – எந்த வேலையையும் தள்ளிப் போடும் பழக்கத்திற்கு

Don’t drive!! வாகனம் ஓட்ட வேண்டாம்/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode 4

Don’t drive!! வாகனம் ஓட்ட வேண்டாம்/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode 4 – Motivational Speaker Ramkumar Singaram

Brain Tracy – the unmatched Self Help Book Author of the 21st Century| Motivational Speaker in Tamil

Brain Tracy – the unmatched Self Help Book Author of the 21st Century| Motivational Speaker in Tamil – பிரையன் டிரேசி – 21-ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் இணையற்ற தன்முனைப்பு எழுத்தாளர் மற்றும் பேச்சாளர்

பூட்டை இழுத்து பார்ப்பவரா?/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode 3

பூட்டை இழுத்து பார்ப்பவரா?/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode 3 – Motivational Speaker Ramkumar Singaram talks in Tamil about the practices followed by Succesful People.

Recipe to PR Success | Mr. Ramkumar Singaram

#ExpertTalkswithHari | Episode 126: மக்கள் தொடர்பு வெற்றிக்கான செய்முறை – Recipe to PR Success Mr. Ramkumar Singaram | Chennai | India | Motivational 

How to create a successful business model? – Ramkumar Singaram Motivational speaker in tamil

How to create a successful business model? – Ramkumar Singaram, Motivational speaker in tamil, வெற்றி பெறச் செய்யும் வகையில் ஒரு பிசினஸ் மாடலை உருவாக்குவது எப்படி? – இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம்

கூட்டத்தில் கோவிந்தா போடாதீர்கள்/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode2

கூட்டத்தில் கோவிந்தா போடாதீர்கள்/Top 10 Success Tips/Ramkumar Singaram/Motivational Speaker/Episode2

செலவில்லா 10 மார்க்கெட்டிங் ஐடியாக்கள் இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம் | Best motivational speaker in Tamil

செலவில்லா 10 மார்க்கெட்டிங் ஐடியாக்கள் இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம் | Best motivational speaker in Tamil – செலவில்லா 10 மார்க்கெட்டிங் ஐடியாக்கள் இராம்குமார்

Top10 Success Tips | Tamil | Ramkumar Singaram | Motivational Speaker | Episode1

Top10 Success Tips | Tamil | Ramkumar Singaram | Motivational Speaker | Episode1 – Motivational Speaker Ramkumar Singaram talks in Tamil about the practices followed

“Zig” Ziglar’s strategy to succeed in life | Ramkumar singaram | Motivational speaker in tamil

“Zig” Ziglar’s strategy to succeed in life | Ramkumar singaram | Motivational speaker in tamil – உலகின் மிகச் சிறந்த தன்னம்பிக்கைப் பேச்சாளரான ZIG ZIGLAR கூறிய,

10 tips to make attractive POWERPOINT Presentation | இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம்

10 tips to make attractive POWERPOINT Presentation | இராம்குமார் சிங்காரம் – பிறரைக் கவரும் வகையில் பவர் பாயிண்ட் பிரசன்டேஷன் உருவாக்குவதற்கான

All Time Great Scientists | Motivational speaker in Tamil | Ramkumar Singaram

All Time Great Scientists | Motivational speaker in Tamil | Ramkumar Singaram – உலக அளவில் பல விஞ்ஞானிகள் தோன்றி மறைந்தாலும், இன்றளவும் நீங்கா இடம்

உலகின் மிகப்பெரிய ஐந்து புத்தகக் கண்காட்சிகள் எவை? | Best Motivational speaker in Tamil

உலகின் மிகப்பெரிய ஐந்து புத்தகக் கண்காட்சிகள் எவை? World’s biggest book fairs | Best Motivational speaker in Tamil – சென்னைப் புத்தகக் கண்காட்சியை

இந்தியாவின் எடிசன் | Best Motivational speaker in Tamil | RamKumar Singaram

இந்தியாவின் எடிசன் | Best Motivational speaker in Tamil | RamKumar Singaram இந்தியாவின் எடிசன் என்று புகழப்பட்ட ஜி.டி. நாயுடு பற்றிய தகவல்களை,

நல்ல பழக்கத்தை உருவாக்கிக் கொள்ள விருப்பமா? | Best motivational speaker in Tamil | Ramkumar singaram

நல்ல பழக்கத்தை உருவாக்கிக் கொள்ள விருப்பமா? | Ways to learn good habits | Best motivational speaker in Tamil | Ramkumar singaram – உடற்பயிற்சி, யோகா,-தியானம், அதிகாலையில்

புதிதாக எதையாவது கண்டுபிடிக்க ஆசையா? | Best Motivational speaker in tamil | Ramkumar singaram

புதிதாக எதையாவது கண்டுபிடிக்க ஆசையா? | Best Motivational speaker in tamil | Ramkumar singaram இதோ அதற்கான ஃபார்முலா வை விளக்குகிறார்,

Reshape your business | Best Media Trainer in TamilNadu | Ramkumar singaram

Reshape your business | Best Media Trainer in TamilNadu | Ramkumar singaram – Watch my speech for businesses on how to stay relevant in the unprecedented everchanging times,

Do you want to know what your children are best at? | Ramkumar Singaram

Best media trainer in Tamil nadu | best motivational speaker in chennai | Ramkumar Singaram  Do you want to know what your children are best at?

From HyperActivity Disorder to OLYMPICS | Ramkumar Singaram

Do you or your relatives have a HYPER ACTIVE CHILD? Don’t worry… Encourage them…

The Art of Decision-making | Ramkumar Singaram

Confused and Struggling to make any decision? The Art of Decision-making | Ramkumar Singaram – Watch this video and learn the easy 5-step formula to arrive at any decision quickly without much hassle.

Trees of life for our lives | Ramkumar Singaram | Best Tamil Motivational Speaker

Trees of life for our lives | Ramkumar Singaram | Best Tamil Motivational Speaker – Do you know how many trees you need to breathe? Watch this video

Are you a TEACHER / TRAINER? – 5 STEPS TO INSPIRE STUDENTS | Ramkumar Singaram

Are you a TEACHER / TRAINER? Do you like to know the 5 STEPS TO INSPIRE STUDENTS? Here you go… Subscribe

The farmer and the stork | Motivational Stories in Tamil | Ramkumar Singaram

Mr.Ramkumar narrates a story that resonates with how our success and failure in all aspects of life depend on the choices that we make in choosing

Human Body Clock| Best Motivational Speaker in Tamil from Chennai | Ramkumar Singaram

Best Motivational Speaker in Tamil from Chennai Ramkumar Singaram | Are you less productive at work?

A Quick glimpse of The Book Thinking Fast and Slow

Would you like to succeed in life? Then you should know how your brain works… Hear this

Top 10 New year Resolutions

Would You Like To Know What Are The Top 10 New Year Resolutions Made Across The Globe Every Year? And Learn The Easy Tips To Follow It

Is positive thinking real? Does it really work?

There are lots of online Gurus and books around positive thinking

Heroes who rocked the world of tennis

For those who are passionate Tennis fans this video is NOT a surprise,

Super Positive Man

If being positive is a super power, then this man is Superman!!

Ace it with Tennis!

Here’s why we need to give space for sports in our child’s student life

Time v/s Money

The older generation focused completely on building wealth and their businesses,

Enhance your parenting skills!

Parenting in the information age today is an art indeed! A great deal of research

Questioning leadership!

People admire and like you better when you connect and talk to them well, right?

Art of questioning

Do you remember learning about Rudyard Kipling’s ‘SIX HONEST SERVING

Who is Elon Musk?

Whatever sceptics have said can’t be done, Elon has gone out

Rise of artificial intelligence

Watch this video to know more about how artificial intelligence gives

Stop complaining

Stop useless complaining about your circumstances, surroundings and

Change in a positive way

Routines are pretty much the same as habits. If you want to make a change in a positive way,

Bringing people together

Bringing people together in inventive ways is the hallmark of an entrepreneur,

World’s most digital country

Considered to be World’s most digital country with a population

your personal net worth

You may own a car, a house or have a good bank balance.

86,400 விநாடிகளின் வெற்றி ரகசியம்! – Success tips | Catalyst Ramkumar Singaram | Interview | Kumudam

86,400 விநாடிகளின் வெற்றி ரகசியம்! – Success tips | Catalyst Ramkumar Singaram | Interview | Kumudam Subscribe to our channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-JyHnGXZT3inL_HVwb3gA Visit our website – https://ramkumarsingaram.com Like us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ramkumar.singaram Follow us on Twitter –  https://twitter.com/rkcatalyst Connect with us on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramkumar-singaram-507a4b35/

To aspire is to achieve

To desire is to obtain, to aspire is to achieve, said British Philosophical Writer,

Stop Thinking Small

STOP THINKING SMALL and broaden your horizons in life! Expand your perspective,

The art of delegation

Are you a control freak, who is also a workaholic and a credit hog,

valuable financial literacy lessons

Are personal loans a good idea? When should you go for one and when not to?

Are you a Procrastinator? | Best motivational speaker in tamil | Ramkumar singaram

Are you a Procrastinator? | Best motivational speaker in tamil | Ramkumar singaram – Do you want to quit your snooze button habit for good? Want to overcome

How many people know you

Are you one among the many who think your work should speak for itself?

excess becomes poison

There is a saying that Amritam ( Divine Nector) when taken in excess, becomes poison.

To think and act out of the box in unusual ways

Did you know that doing nothing can sometimes positively help us in

start loving money

Most of us are raised to believe that money equates to problems, less safety,

Write down the thoughts of the moment

“Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly

Couple relationship tips

Pause to take a moment every day to ask yourself and each other,

Helping the poor around us

You know, we have one big world that is divided into two, with the poor

Earn your living

Do you have a young adult in your family who isn’t ready for the “real”

Spend 10 Minutes daily to improve your life style

Looking back to look forward, to assess your self on where you stand,

know when to say ‘NO’

Having a huge workload is sometimes unavoidable, whether it is at home, in school,

7 Countries getting bankrupt

Seven National economies instilled lower confidence among investors leading

Achieving success in life

Did you know, ‘Focus’ is the gateway to achieving success in life?

Military spending around the world

Military spending around the world is booming! Superpowers like the US,

About Smartphones

Smartphones have brought about many positive changes in our lives.

Ignorance is bliss

Ignorance is bliss, but ignoring the negative traits and bad habits

Art of Networking

Nagarathar Chamber of Commerce, MaduraiNetworking Meet

About Business Lifecycle

Did you know that every business goes through five phases of a life

About Jackie Chan

You know him as an iconic Hollywood Superstar, an award-winning action choreographer,

Benefits of thank you

Are you feeling good and happy that someone helped you with a right timely advice,

Day to day life Strategies

Mr. Ramkumar Singaram, CEO of Catalyst PR speaks about importance to face our day

Day to day life strategies

Mr.Ramkumar Singaram, CEO of Catalyst PR speaksabout importance to

Listen more than you talk

Your life can change for good when you learn to ‘Listen more than you talk’,

Knowing Dale Carnegie

Knowing Dale Carnegie the motivational giant and all-around inspiration, a pathfinder

Indian Railways – Lifeline of India

Lifeline of India, the Indian Railways connects the remote villages

Construct a positive character

Everyone has character traits, both good ones and the bad.

First female boxer

After winning many gold and silver medals at the Asian Games and Commonwealth Games

Professional Boxer

A professional boxer, the first and only eight-division world champion,


PewDiePie – the most successful and leading Swedish Youtube Vlogger rose to fame

Artificial moon

Did you know the idea of the artificial moon was the first to come from

Parenting Tips

Watch this video for tips on how to help your child grow

Richest Sportsman

Deal with your personal and professional lives in a way that one does not interfere

World’s Tallest Building

Be it constructing world’s tallest building like Burj Khalifa or anything

Investments in technology

In this fast-changing world, knowledge expansion and investments in technology

To achieve greatness in life

Are you ambitious and like to achieve greatness in life?

Vidiyalee Vaa

Want to know about the pride of India in road connectivity?

Tips to up bring your children

Much worried and feeling directionless in upbringing your children? Here are tips

Five Mantras on Marketing

Are you a small business startup? Do you have an urge to grow? Listen!!!

About Sir Tim Berners-Lee

Sir Tim Berners-Lee is the brain behind one of the important inventions

Process behind the ranking

Want to know the interesting insights behind the world’s richest?

7 Habits of Effective People

Books play a significant role in our life as most of them are sure to motivate and inspire

Eiffel Tower’s History

Eiffel Tower, undoubtedly, is the first thing you should see while you are in Paris.

About Smartphones

Smartphone has changed the fabric of our society in the past ten years. It is tremendously

About Printing Press

Printing press – one of the most important inventions of our time

About Croatia

Croatia is a Central European and Mediterranean country, which has got amazing facts

Connect with people

In today’s fast-paced world, we are actually lost on how to connect with people

Importance of Public Speaking

Public speaking isn’t so much an art as a science, yet there is some art to being able to win

How to Be Successful

Success in today’s competitive world depends on how well we differentiate ourselves

Benefits of Donating Blood

There’s no end to the benefits of donating blood for those who need it.

World’s largest Museums

Sharing my thoughts on the World’s largest art museum,Louvre Museum.

Work Less and Earn More

Work less and earn more. Isn’t this INTERESTING? Time is indeed an important factor to consider

Inventions and Discoveries

Inventions and Discoveries have made a significant impact on our life.

An inclination to visit places

India is no doubt a paradise for those who have an inclination to visit places.

Rule of 5

if you want to produce a great result in life, you must be consistent with your dreams,

What do rich dad teach their kids

If you are born poor, it is not your fault but if you live and die poor it is your fault is a famous adage.

Discoveries that changed world

Here’s a look at some discoveries that have changed the world.

News7 Varaverpparai

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Entrepreneurship Training

Catalyst Entrepreneurship Training Academy Director Mr. Ramkumar Singaram talks aimed at helping in business ventures, in Varthaga Ulagam Sun News.

The most important life lesson

How do some people emerge successful? How do only some people are able to earn more?

How wisely we use our time and resource

All of us have an aspiration to live an economically comfortable life.

The smallest country facts

Know the World’s smallest country? A very popular destination, a must visit for many global citizens,

Leaders who have stood the test of time

How often have you complained that we lack a strong leader at the helm.

The mammoth automobile industry

Everyone of us would have experienced getting stuck in a traffic jam for sure.

The most beautiful country

With 55 lakhs population, the most scenic Scotland stands as the most beautiful country.

Nool Nayam

World’s most popular hobby

Get to know interesting facts about the most popular hobby in the world – Stamp collection.

The story of facebook

With 140 Crore facebook users, this is one of the most famous success stories of our times.

Unknown facts about Jackie

A hero who has fans all over the world, a single man cinema as he is referred to,

Keeping employees motivated

For any organisation, motivated employees or keeping employees motivated is a challenge.

Making the money work for you

World’s eighth wonder is compound interest, says Albert Einstien.

World’s most powerful and influential women

From the iron lady of Germany to the women Prime Minister of England who worked her way up to the top

The Secret

When you have a desire and a goal it is possible to achieve it when you live it every second.

Have a positive outlook

In this video, Ramkumar Singaram – Best tamil Motivational Speaker  explains through a story on how a positive attitude changes the course of life.

World’s Population

We might all know the most populated country in the world.

The power of half

A revolutionary book that was written by the Salvans, is the book for change.

Personalities and celebrities

Personalities and celebrities have always been an inspiration.

IBCN 2017 Day 2 (9/14) – Panel Discussion “TRANSITIONING TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP”

IBCN 2017 Panel Discussion – “TRANSITIONING TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP – IDENTIFYING LOW RISK OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE TRANSITION” by Mr. Ramkumar Singaram, Mrs. Parvathy Kannan, Mr. Rama Periannan, Mr. Muthu Raman Gnanam Subscribe to our channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-JyHnGXZT3inL_HVwb3gA Visit our website – https://ramkumarsingaram.com Like us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ramkumar.singaram Follow us on Twitter –  https://twitter.com/rkcatalyst Connect with us on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramkumar-singaram-507a4b35/